Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Pineapple Rolls

Ahh... Chinese New Year cookies. Who doesn't love them.

Actually I don't.

Except for these. Pineapple rolls.

unbaked pineapple rolls
before entering the oven.

Though people have the habit of calling them pineapple tarts since they originated from tarts. Or mini pies.

I never knew how these were made till recently I witnessed it myself in bb's house.

rolling pineapple mixture

You roll those pineapple paste mix into an oval shape ball and then wrap it around a long strip of pastry.


Then cut when the pastry meets.

Pop into the oven, the whoila!

pineapple tarts

Freshly baked Pineapple Rolls. YUM!


a.came said...

Oh! these are one of my favorites too! But i usually buy ready made ones, the pineapple filling takes a really long time to be prepared. =) it's better always to make your own though..

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