Friday, September 26, 2008

Bunny Bento from Carrefour Bangkok

Woo hoo! This is my 100th entry for Nicolekiss food and diet. Still so little ppl wtf. LOL

I shall celebrate this grand event with some bentos I saw in Carrefour yesterday!

rabbit bento in carrefour bangkok

There's so many types of bunnies, and they're so cute.

rabbit bento in carrefour bangkok
it's actually the same photo, i just put there to confuse you.

I remember they have fried rice, curry rice, curry fried rice, seafood rice, etc.

25 baht rabbit bento
This bunny is holding three prawns. I thought bunnies are herbivores

for 25 baht (RM2.5) each, it's blinking cheap! They would have sold this in Japan for at least RM5. I think.

rabbit rice
This bunny is holding a carrot. omg so cute kan!

Come buy.. veli cheepp, veeellllliii cheeeep.


Anonymous said...

Can courier back for us?

WP said...

Wow, really cute!!

Par said...

Thats cute, makes me want that mold.