Everyone loves Lindt chocolates right? I mean, who doesn't. They're famous for the sheer fineness in their Chocolate, especially their excellence chocolate bar. ooooo
So Lindt Cafe was one the first places I wanted to visit in Sydney.

woo ya! Look at the extensive array of chocolate-y heaven! It was hard for me not to choose just everything off the bar, seeing that I was on a chocolate crave period back then.

Their famous drinks are the Lindt milkshakes. Go for the milk chocolates, they're pretty decent. I would say amazing as I had better, but decent for the fact that they're carrying Lindt brand and it's not that shabby.

The Chocolate Hazelnut Gateau slice was really nice. Albeit too sweet, but love the pairing with the cream. Can try it when you're not eating with a glass of rich Lindt milkshake though.

I ordered the Hot Cocoa under recommendation. It's fun to drink, but other than that, there's nothing really fancy. In fact, if you're not careful, you might made the drink too sweet for your own liking.

The chocolate syrup can be really powering. Or maybe I was just greedy, but it's easy to overdose your cup of milk.

Oh, and take away is cheaper than dining in here. So grab a glass/cup and sit by the harbour for a cheaper take out.
rating: 3/5
Lindt Cafe
Cockle Bay
104-105 Cockle Bay Wharf
Darling Harbour, Sydney
Tel (02) 9267 8064