Thursday, February 28, 2008

Koko Krunch Duo

The first time Nestle came out with Koko Krunch Duo.

My first reaction was: “Finally!”


It’s been YEARS that Koko Krunch has remained as just.. well.. chocolate.

I know I love chocolates but with everything nowadays diverting into something else, it’s about time that Koko Krunch came out with a new variety and taste.

koko krunch duo

It wasn’t until this year that I actually started craving for cereals again, I came across a box of it in the supermarket so decided to pick up.

Woke up the next day and poured myself a bowl of crunches. Also....

Always, forever… with milk.

milk to koko krunch duo

Reminds me of my childhood, full of cereals~~~ Cheers to good old times.

Note: I think I prefer the old Koko Krunch


TNS said...

ur milk seems so thick

Simon Seow said...

What is the other flavor? White chocolate? I prefer Frosties.

i♥pinkc00kies said...

I prefer Oishi Choco Flakes :)